When the Boots meets the Biggins 𓃫

This is a strange feeling. Russ sits across from me on the sofa, and I have about 40 minutes before I go to counselling. I've finally set up a new website and blog that feels like me. It feels like the past bloody thirty years of art school, writing, poetry, English lessons, failures, attempts at being a social media mogul (HA!), my essential oil business with all it's graphics and "hot tips", and doing an actual real exhibition that forced to me make an art website has led me HERE, to these twitching and glimmering pixels. Little beats buzz in my ear, and my heart is a-flutter with cosiness and joy. I shrug off the momentary pangs of "So and so is about to start the same idea, and so and so must have been doing this for years",
I'm HERE! I MADE IT! I have endless time, endless subjects, endless picky-roonies, ENDLESS musings, (hello, or is my name is even Eloise?) COUNTLESS experiences, adventure-stories and gleanings that have gotten me this far in life! And who cares?! I can add to the drivel and swivel and frivol that is the internet and people being given a platform with no censorship.
I've so many thoughts swirling around my head - I can't pin any down. Current interests: Autism and ADD/ADHD. I find Neurodiversity a FASCINATING subject, and I feel particularly that women are under-represented in this sphere.
Music Tonight:
Highasakite - Darth Veda
Matt Corby - Runaway (Live) The Resolution Tour
Matt Corby - Lay You Down - "
My own
𓃩 <-- Press for neat symbols.... Ya welcome.