🌾S🌸 P🌸 A🌸 C🌸E🌾

🌾S🌸 P🌸 A🌸 C🌸E🌾
It took a really long time to get here - and I have to say it isn’t this way now. (Bit more of a kitten-den)! Decluttering/tidying/nesting/being creative... Getting stuck in your head, feeling overwhelmed, feeling like you can’t do it... These are all the things that I felt whilst trying to manage this space. Along with an icky feeling of “who can help me” and “I can’t do it alone”. Thanks to my counsellor suggesting to hire a storage space just so I can get it clear, I finally SHIFTED, (with the help of Russ), two BIG car-loads of art and craft supplies, artworks in progress, some framed works and on and on... It was a weird feeling - like moving house AGAIN or like doing an exhibition - but it did create some S P A C E in our home that had been seriously lacking. It made me realise that I hadn’t been functioning as an artist WHATSOEVER - and felt super out of practice with how to work. I have simultaneously started renting a desk at Puppet Place near Spike Island in Bristol, and so things are slowly grinding into gear. It took me over a year of hesitation to commit to renting a studio - and it seems strange that I haven’t actively been creating much since completing my BA Fine Art in 2015.
If the last year has taught me anything, it’s patience! Patience with myself, patience with these “life tasks” that can seem overwhelming... Patience with my heart and patience with this life where we are ever-learning.
I hope this finds you all well. I hope you’re still hanging in there, and starting to come back to life as spring arrives, and as the world slowly changes into its next iteration of itself.
Remember: patience, patience, patience. We will all get there in time. X
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